instead of weighing in, and seeing numbers change (or worse...not change) but still looking in the mirror and feeling fat panda, i am thinking of trying a new approach....NO weigh ins. (whats helpful is i have to go out of my way to weigh myself since i refuse to own a scale and havent had one since this blog began.)
im contemplating that since im looking for the weight loss to happen gradually, over the next 42 weeks (the goal was 86 lbs in 46 weeks because i figured it took 40 weeks to pile on the weight so it should also to lose it, and 6 weeks of postpartum recovery), i should just do something like pictures. just like pregnancy baby bump photos. its funny how we are so willing to show every week our bellies getting rounder as pregnancy progresses but not during the weight loss process itself!
(why cameras are more forgiving to pregnant ladies, i do not know.)
i might give in and step on a scale...or get weighed at the doctor...but i want my real success to be in what i see when i look in a mirror.
ill still have a goal weight, right now 180 is the goal still.
first goal being 194 so i can beat that damn 195 curse ive had on myself for so long.
but i also want to SEE it. because even when i looked thinner...i saw fatter.
and i dont want that. i always want to be real with myself.
so here goes nothing....
im glad im choosing to do this....because as i sorted through photos to choose the ones to upload i started thinking "i dont see a difference." and i do NOT want to let myself get in that train of thought! my body is changing, in its own way, naturally. and im not screwing with nature :)
im still not exercising since im not cleared by the doctor. this is regular, but conscious eating. and breastfeeding.
this is 10 days postpartum

this is 14 days postpartum.
so is this one:
such a weird shape, my belly. its very...squishy. i know from experience it goes away...but at the same time..its super weird to look at and touch it.
im gonna go burn some calories playing the kinect with J.
update in a week or so with more pictures!
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