Monday, April 9, 2012



so im not seeing progress.

for some reason i keep thinkign the weight should FALL off simply because my baby is 2 months old.


its been 8 weeks since i had a baby. i PUSHED a HUMAN from my PERSONS.

come on M!

thats a HUGE thing! my body has been through that trauma TWICE. and while its takes some adjusting.

ive still not quite mastered breastfeeding.

im still adjusting to a sleep schedule.

im tired.

and ill be blunt, im still bleeding from the recovery period, which MUST mean my body is NOT DONE RECOVERING.

give yourself a break woman!!!!

these pics were taken April 5th.

here are some from last night: April 9th.

youre beautiful if you think you are.

please. think you are, people!

thats all. i need to rest!

ciao for niao!

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