Friday, May 18, 2012

just a small update

its been 13 weeks since Moon was born.
ive lost at least 24 lbs.
but its not coming off.
i call doctor Monday and im gonna get a blood test to check my thyroid again. had postpartum thyroiditis after my boy was born. maybe its back?

yesterday was rough. i was depressed about things that got to me. and i had 2 glasses of wine and a pint of ice cream. i dont regret it. i deserved it :) i went on a long walk today and played at the park with my son. i chose pita pit over red robin. and i plan on walking everyday or every other day at least 30minutes with my girl. im still feeling crampy from postpartum recovery so im trying not to go crazy. im also exclusively breastmilk feeding so i have to maintain my supply and provide healthy high calorie milk for her by eating healthy.
i have splurged on lactation cookies (cookies made with fenugreek and choloate chips and oats that happen to have a few other ingredients to help milk supply). but i do eat pretty well. sandwiches, cereal with soy milk and only a little milk at that. i do some small strength training like wall push ups and squats and other small things to build a little more onto my body. but nothing drastic. i still cant run without 1. pain and 2. my breasts are meant for baby right now...and not cut out for running...they flat out resist running. ive tried. :)

i dont regret choices ive made. i feel like they should have provided a lot more loss. but ill step it up a bit. i just want to wear pants that dont have elastic, and i want to feel confident that if i go someplace without my baby people wont think im still pregnant. sigh.

rough times.

such a first world problem.

i hope to update more loss soon!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


this was the last update as of the doctor on thursday may 3rd. 

ive done my workout game 20 minutes 2x this week (it IS harder than i thought to get it done with two kids but im trying). 
today i made not so great food choices, but did a little walking and carried my 12 lb baby girl for all of the event we went to. 

its a work in progress. 
im trying to not be discouraged. 
im thinking positively. 

its not a lost cause.